Furry Factor ❄️☃️
Serious Furry Factor on the farm! The cows seem to be prepping for a very cold winter - eek! ❄️☃️
100% free range pork born & raised at Lower Dairy FarM - order & save!
Taster Box - £50
Roasting Joint (approx 1.2kg)
1 x Belly Pork (approx 0.8kg)
2 x Chops
12 x Sausages
2 x Minced Pork (500g/pack)
1 x Diced Pork (500g/pack)
2 x Escalopes (approx. 175g each)
Taster + Bacon Box- £75
As Taster Box PLUS:
2 x Back Bacon
2 x Streaky Bacon
1 x Gammon (approx 1kg)
Pork Favourites Box - £100
Leg Roasting Joint (min. 1.3kg)
Shoulder Roasting Joint (min. 1.3kg
Belly Roasting Joint (900g)
Loin Roasting Joint (1kg)
Gammon Roasting Joint (Unsmoked) (approx 1.2kg)
2 x Gammon Steaks (Unsmoked)
2 x Chops
2 x Minced Pork
4 x Escalopes
1 x Tenderloin
16 x Sausages
1 x Ham Hock
Nose to Tail: Ears, Liver, Kidney & Trotters
Pork Favourites + Bacon - £125
As per Pork Favourites
PLUS 4 x Back Bacon · 4 x Streaky Bacon
Champion Apple Bobbers of Water Lane 🍏🍎🍏
Hot days & stunning sunsets
Grow your own herd...
Head over heels in love with the newest addition to the garden.. Holstein Cowpeas! These rare little beans are jam-packed with antioxidants and best of all, look like a miniature cow herd. Super-excited to see how they grow!
One man and his cows
I love this photo of Dad! It totally sums up his complete dedication to his cows and the farm. This little calf was a slow starter and Dad had just managed to get it to take its first milk. One happy Mum and one relieved farmer in need of a cup of tea. .
Night calving
Optimistic folk are saying winter is behind us following two days of lovely sunshine. Those people weren't calving this little heifer at a very cold 4am with a bitter east wind.
This little girl took a while to get going but by this afternoon was cheekily racing round the barn and snuggling up to any cow that would let her. Wise kid, they make excellent windbreaks.