
Mercator, look away now.

Dad is playing the harvest weather game and dashing out to combine between the showers.  Barley-Lower-Dairy-Farm

Fortunately, the blustery sunshine dries the grain quickly and Farmer Humph is, in general, more concerned about the Mercator getting wet than the barley!  Barley straw holds the moisture well which slows down combining, but we are making steady progress.  Better still, during a trip to Manns of Saxham for new cutter guides, I found a new cabless combine in our price range!

Claas Senator

Only joking Mercator!  Much to the surprise of the other customer (sporting a Claas fleece - free with a brand new combine), not only do Claas still make Mercator parts, but according to the engineer, there are in fact three or four people locally who come to Manns for Mercator parts every year.  Three or four?  It's nice to know we're not alone.


H is for...

..'Humphrey', 'Herefords', 'Humbug', 'Harvest' and 'FPU 732H', the Mighty Mercator's year of registration.  Here it is back out in the fields for its 2014 test run. Claas Mercator Lower Dairy Farm H RegThank you to Brad Farm Machinery for making this possible and allowing me to run in and grab new lifters at 5.02pm.  I had been patiently following a tractor hauling grain, then a grain lorry, then another tractor, patiently not yelling: "You don't understand!  I want to be harvesting too!".  H is also for...Harvest Diva.

All Creatures Great and Small III: No Bug Left Behind

We take a break from harvest news to appreciate a little green friend.Farmers sometimes get bashed for not caring about the environment.  If you ever hear such a discussion, suggest a trip to Lower Dairy Farm to meet Farmer Humph...I bring you: "Conversations from the Combine"

Me [talking through dust mask]: "Why have we stopped?  Is something wrong??"

Farmer Humph: "I'm rescuing a ladybird."

All Creatures Great and Small are loved here on the farm.  I expect a bug escape ladder to be in place by the morning.

Would you trust this man with your combine?

 Questions have been asked regarding the aesthetics of the back end of this mean machine.  Little do people know that "crumple chic" is top of Claas' optional extra request list.  Yours, for a small fee.  You could of course just park it on a hill without the handbrake on.

So, good people of Essex, be not afraid for 'tis the roar of our Mer-Cat-or, not a lion, as with a puff of smoke this beast devours the spring barley.

 You can keep your Lexions and Tucanos, make mine a Mercator.