Great British Beef Week

Great British Beef Week

This week, across the country, people have celebrated the quality, versatility and nutritional powerhouse that is British Beef!

And so, to celebrate, we bring you Farmer Humph's #beefie...

Great British Beef Week 2014

Not really!  But this is a screen print by the brilliant Paul Bommer (click here for more info), hanging on our kitchen wall...and the resemblance is uncanny!

Happy British Beef Week from the Lower Dairy Farm Herd!

Westminster in a sash

A baby tractor and a big Hero bear hit Westminster for the launch of Great British Beef Week.

Followed by the lovely Ladies in Beef with Jim Paice MP.  As a child I struggled to master the sash as a Brownie and Girl Guide.  Apparently, I have not grown out of it (or learnt to look at the camera!).

Back home on the farm, the tractors may not be as shiny (or have cabs), but we're about to celebrate the start of GBBW with a lovely roast silverside joint.


Mission Marmalade

It's a noisy time of year with the cows queuing up at the gate waiting to go out with every sunbeam that appears.  Whilst they're bellowing their indignation at every human, car, bird or dog that passes, Hannah is on a marmalade mission in the kitchen.  Batch two of this year's marmalade - and she's still going!

With a house filled with the delicious smell of Seville oranges, we've entered the annual "no adopting of Peruvian bears found at railway stations" season.  A sad time for Colchester station's orphan bear population.

But we don't need a bear!  They might be quieter than the cows, but we've got our own little Paddington here on the farm (albeit from Dorset not Peru, wearing a sou'wester and willing to eat anything from clothes pegs to ancient rabbit).  Fearless cattle dog Humbug is prepared to work in any weather (but not mud - really useful on a farm) and was found yesterday with his head inside a cow's mouth.  Who needs a dentist?

Whilst buying him a sou'wester may have jinxed rain for the spring, he has at least stopped shivering in the farmyard.  Off now to feed (guaranteed to quieten down the cows) and test Dad's photography skills with a picture of me and a cow.  It's day two and we're yet to get a picture in which I'm not standing gormlessly in a barn with my eyes closed, the cow and I are both still, I'm not being attacked by a cow - forgotten dog treats in pockets lead to mass attack, or worse still, a picture in which I look like I actually like cows.  But it's all part of the celebration of ...

Great British Beef – from the Ladies in Beef

This year's Great British Beef Week runs from 23rd - 20th April and this year butchers, supermarkets and retailers taking part will be raising money for Help for Heroes.

So bring on St Georges Day and a celebration of Great British Beef!  For more information, and the chance to win £500, head to