Watch out...
Southern Hawker Dragonfly
Name that cow!
Barbequed brisket
Enjoyed by the lake with the Wormingford Community Education Centre volunteers. Thanks to the Stamps for the invitation and delicious fare!
Back British Farming Charter
British food supplies would run out on 14th August if all the food produced in Britain in a year was stored and eaten from 1st January onwards.
But our farmers are determined to reverse this trend and produce enough food for the needs of generations to come - but we need politicians, supermarkets, retailers, food processors, restaurants and cafes to play their part to let them do their job.
The National Farmers' Union have created a charter calling for a commitment to put British farming at the heart of the challenge of feeding us all in the future.
Sign the Back British Farming Charter and show your support!
The Madness of The Stour
The Stour Valley has not been very quiet for the past few days. The replacement of portage points on the River Stour has kept the valley ringing with the sound of pile driving, or 'Wiston fracking', and we've all been driven a little bit mad.
To share this momentous occasion - and what can only be the arrival of the QE2, the portage points are so big, we bring you a brief history of pile driving in the valley. Are you sitting comfortably? Then you're not in the Stour Valley...earplugs in, and I'll begin.
Sadly, not a bowler hat and cane, or non-fluorescent waistcoat to be seen today. Standards are slipping.
All Creatures Great and Small III: No Bug Left Behind
We take a break from harvest news to appreciate a little green friend.Farmers sometimes get bashed for not caring about the environment. If you ever hear such a discussion, suggest a trip to Lower Dairy Farm to meet Farmer Humph...I bring you: "Conversations from the Combine"
Me [talking through dust mask]: "Why have we stopped? Is something wrong??"
Farmer Humph: "I'm rescuing a ladybird."