The calm before the storm on the farm at the moment. Mum and Dad are busy fixing, winter-proofing, feeding, cleaning, littering and keeping the animals in the luxury to which they have become accustomed.
We await the calving of Caramel (why is there never a full moon when you need one), so watch out for a sleep-weary Farmer Humph if you're driving up Water Lane in the dark. And we're on tenterhooks as the wait for the sugar beet harvester goes on. Rumour has it, the beast may head our way soon...and then you'll never have met a yokel (me) so happy to be hand-scraping sugar beet mud off a it will be for the last time.
Over in the shop, it's time for Shop Local Saturday on December 7th! Part of a campaign to encourage folks to support local traders, look out for signs across the nation, and show your support for independents of all shapes and sizes.
Forget the pre-Christmas supermarket crush, love where you live and Shop Local.