We're reaching the end of a calving bonanza!...A blissful, unattended calving patch which has caused Dad undue worry as another calf appears in the field, but as they were all planned, we say bravo to easy calving.
British Food Fortnight has gone back to it's roots and is celebrating Bringing Home the Harvest, so we're joining in with a long awaited Harvest 2013 Round-up! And this year, you get to see the Mighty Mercator in action.
The Mercator's friendly Silverback Gorilla emerged from hibernation and roared into action...
..and the Mercator glid gracefully into the fields like it wasn't a day over 30.
That is, after the damage caused by LDF's bionic mice - who eat and line their nests with copper wire, was sorted out.
Well'ard mice.
This year we were able to take advantage of the perfectly timed spells of fine weather to complete the harvest in record time relative to the past few years.
Despite being short on horsepower, all was gathered in safely and Hallelujah! Praise the Heavens!, the bales were beautifully stacked in a high heap to avoid the horizontal formation of last year...and the year before. S
ometimes, I like to think He listens to us.
With the Mercator tucked safely into bed, we were on to bale hauling, multiple calvings (more about those soon), with Dad subsoiling, hedge cutting and prepping everything to start all over again! Plus, the start of the Christmas orders in the farm shop! But best of all...the milkstand is back!
Bring on Harvest 2014!