Equinox Walk


 followed by tea and cake at Lower Dairy Farm

Saturday 23rd March

Leaving the Anchor Inn, Nayland at 2.00pm

Everyone is welcome!

 Join us for a walk from Nayland to Little Horkesley guided by Suffolk historian, Chris Hunt.  You’ll get to learn a little about the history of our local villages before we finish off with tea and cake at Lower Dairy Farm!

For more information, contact the Transition Nayland team: info@transitionnayland.co.uk

Work to be done...

The newest arrivals to the farm, three Berkshire weaners.

These pigs are tasked with clearing the farmstead we call 'Bethlehem'.  Formerly a cattle yard and shed (hence the name), this area is somewhat overgrown - a des res complete with harrows, a seed drill, a plough and the remains of a cart used to transport casualties in WWI (so the story goes).  We've cleared away all things sharp and nasty and today the Horkesley Porkers were released to dig and snuffle their way through the site.  Free-range living at its finest!

With furrowed brow...

"It may not have the horsepower of a Fendt, but it's better than a horse."

Wise words from Dad, who had an early start to catch the brief frost and plough the first furrows of the season.

A good morning's work completed before the tractor limped off the field with an oil leak.  That nicely rearranges today's "work-plan"; we'll be scrambling under the tractor this afternoon trying to trace the drip!

In the meantime, I'm hoping Humbug's aversion to mud will result in the furrows between us and Bailey's Cottages forming a barrier against future garden-hopping escapades.  Unfortunately, he doesn't just head up there to enjoy the view.

I bet Constable didn't have this problem.

Be not afeard...

Reports are coming in of a Yeti-like creature in the Horkesley area.  This rare image appears to show the creature gaining its winter coat.   

But worry not Valley people, the green gloves may seem sinister, but the Yeti is believed to be a peaceful being.  Rarely straying from his natural habitat, the farmyard:

..occasional reports have suggested collecting free key rings at Anglia Hose and Hydraulics is a preferred Yeti pastime.

We're monitoring the situation, and our crack team of protection agents are on hand in case it escapes:

All sightings should be reported with utmost urgency to: Don'tDisturbMeWhenI'mEatingHay@lowerdairyfarm.co.uk